As they talked and discussed these things…
Jesus himself suddenly came and began walking with them.

Luke 24:15 (NLT)

The object of the Darke County Area Community shall be to inspire, challenge and equip church members for Christian action in their homes, churches, places of work and the world community through the Emmaus experience. Through a 72-hour experience, “The Walk to Emmaus”, you will be given the opportunity to meet Jesus Christ in a new way as he is revealed to you through other believers. You will enjoy three busy days of singing, learning, laughing, praying, worshiping and participating in small groups.

You will discover how grace comes alive in a Christian community and how grace is real in your life. The Walk to Emmaus is open to Christians of all denominations.

Emmaus weekends (walks) are held throughout the United States and the world. Darke County Area Emmaus holds a Men’s Walk and a Women’s Walk each year.

Please explore our site and let us know if you have any questions or comments regarding Emmaus.

May God bless you!


New Gathering information

New Gathering information

Dear Emmaus Family, Monthly Gatherings are now at 5:00 pm on the second Sunday of the month, Cedar Grove Church of the Brethren, 373 Love Road - we...

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Between the Pages (issue 3)

Between the Pages (issue 3)

Dear Emmaus Family, Our logistics coordinator wanted to share with the community some donation ideas for the upcoming Women’s Walk. (Cedar Grove...

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Between the Pages (issue 2)

Between the Pages (issue 2)

Dear Emmaus Family, The Newsletter edition provides the community with updated information concerning many things. However, some topics and events...

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