Letter From Community Lay Director

To the Darke County Area Emmaus Community, December 15, 2020
Greetings, my desire and wish is for everyone to have a blessed Christmas and a very happy and
prosperous New Year.
This article is in reference to much discussion of the Emmaus Board in regard to keeping the Darke
County Area Emmaus Community active and the continuing of future walks in making disciples of
Jesus Christ. Since the covid-19 pandemic, the activities have been put pretty much on hold with the
closing of many churches.
With God still in the business of answering the prayers of his people. He has opened some doors for
the community to continue to function in having future walks.
A few months ago, the board sought to seek other facilities to have future walk. While some facilities
did not, or could not, want to commit to any obligations due to the unknown future regarding the
pandemic conditions.
However, there was one facility that was willing to open its doors to the idea of a future home to the
Community. Having walks as well as team meetings and that being the Ludlow Falls Camp located
on State Route 48 in Ludlow Falls.
A committee, with the approval of the board, was set up to visit the camp and it was completed on
November 25, 2020. The visit was very good and the facilities would very much meet the needs of the
community for future walks. There would be no need for air mattresses as all beds are bunks with
mattresses. Pilgrims and team members could sleep on the bottom bunk and use the top bunk for
personal items. There are many showers and restroom facilities available. The kitchen is huge as well
as the other areas that would be needed. Pictures may be viewed online at
www.ludlowfallscamp.org for further interest, if desired. The cost would be kept in line with what the
cost has been in the past at other facilities.
At the last board meeting on December 7, 2020, there was much discussion, with many questions
answered by Keith Berger, who is the camp representative and also a member of our Community.
And the board approved of this matter being referred to the Community at the December 13, 2020
gathering. With this approval, this matter was presented to the community with again, many
questions to the visiting committee, and ultimately a motion being made and seconded to make the
Ludlow Falls Camp the future home of DCAEC. After the motion with a second, the matter was
discussed more at great length with an amendment to the motion and properly seconded to defer
this approval or rejection until the January 10, 2020 gathering so the Community could be more
informed of this activity and with the desire of more community members present. Again, there was
much discussion with the amended motion approval by the community members in attendance.
So please as your Community Lay Director, pray, talk, and discuss this activity in a Christ like manner
and come to the next gathering on January 10, 2020 at 6:00 pm at Radiant Lighthouse Church. We
will be meeting in the UTurn building. Let’s allow the Holy Spirit guide in this very important decision.
Thank you so much for all your support in this very important decision.
In the Service of the King,
Gerald Miller

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